Project Overview

Our car selling website aims to revolutionize the way individuals buy and sell new and used cars by providing a user-friendly and secure online platform. Catering to both car buyers and sellers, our website offers a seamless and convenient experience for users to browse, compare, and transact with confidence.


The current website has been launched for a few months and has gained moderate traffic but facing challenges in maintaining high user engagement and conversion rates. While the wide selection of cars listed on the platform, users seem to be spending less time on the website and are not converting into actual buyers as expected. The primary problem that needs to be address is how to improve user engagement and increase conversion rates on the car selling website to drive business growth and better serve both buyers and sellers.


Streamlined User Interface : Redesign the website's user interface with an intuitive layout, improved navigation, and aesthetically appealing visuals to enhance user engagement.
Prominent CTAs : Place prominent and compelling CTAs strategically on key pages, guiding users to contact sellers or inquire about cars effortlessly.
Responsive Design : Optimize the website for mobile devices, ensuring seamless and consistent experiences across various screen sizes.
Trust Signals : Introduce trust signals such as verified seller badges, user reviews, and detailed car information to build trust among potential buyers.
Personalization : Implement personalization features to recommend relevant car listings based on user preferences and search history.

Design Process

Design process is a way of figuring out what needs to be done, then doing it. Along the way you might solve one or more problems, try to achieve a goal, and/or create something specific. The first critical step to understanding the design process is that it’s no about working the “right way” or “wrong way”.


At the beginning of the design process, we seek to understand the problem or project requirements thoroughly. This stage involves gathering information and conducting research.


Based on the research and insights gathered, we define the problem statement, project scope, and set specific design goals. Clear objectives help guide the design process and ensure that the final solution addresses the identified needs and requirements.


At this stage, we brainstorm and explore various ideas and concepts for solving the problem. It involves generating multiple potential solutions and exploring different design directions. Techniques like sketching, mind mapping, and mood boards are often used to visualize and communicate ideas.


The chosen design concepts are refined and developed into a more comprehensive and detailed solution. Designers work on the visual aesthetics, typography, layout, and user interface elements, ensuring that the design aligns with the project's goals and requirements.


User testing is crucial to assess the usability and effectiveness of the design. Designers conduct usability tests with real users, gather feedback, and observe how users interact with the design. This feedback loop helps identify any usability issues and allows for iterative improvements.

Competitive Analysis

We carried out a competitive audit which helped us track what our competitors are and what makes them more visible and stand out online. The goal was to discover what is working for other people in the industry, so that we can make those strategies work for us too, as well as where they maybe lagging behind to gain a competitive advantage.

Yalla Motors Cars24 Dubizzle
Interface 5/10 8/10 7/10
Google Reviews 4.1 4.3 4.6
Filter Option 6/10 7/10 6/10
Compare Option Yes None None
Payment Plan None Yes None
FAQ None Yes None
User Experience 6/10 8/10 7/10

User Personas

I created two user personas to represent these two user groups, to inform design and ensure a user-centric focus. Came up with varying user personas based on individual personality and use cases.

Name: Sandra Joshua

Occupation: Sales Manager

Age: 37

Location: Dubai, UAE.

Interests: Cars, Technology, Travel.

Background: Sandra is a dynamic and tech-savvy individual with a passion for automobiles. As a sales manager at a renowned car dealership, Sandra has extensive knowledge of the automotive industry, keeping up with the latest trends and advancements in vehicles. In addition to having a strong understanding of various car models, brands, and features, Sandra also excels in providing exceptional customer service and building long-lasting relationships with clients.
Sandra recognizes that the car buying process can often be overwhelming for customers, especially with multiple choices and complex specifications to consider. As a result, the website should aim to simplify this process by offering intuitive filters, advanced search options, and personalized recommendations based on the user's preferences and budget.
Moreover, trust is paramount in the automotive industry, and the website should create a trustworthy environment for potential buyers. Sandra understands many customers have concerns about the condition of used cars, so offering detailed vehicle history reports, inspection certificates, and warranties would be essential to alleviate any doubts.
Goals and Needs:
Sandra's main goal is to enhance the car buying experience for potential customers through the car selling website. As someone deeply interested in technology, Alex understands the significance of a user-friendly interface that makes browsing and comparing cars seamless. The website should showcase a wide variety of cars, encompassing both new and used models, with comprehensive details about each vehicle's specifications, performance, safety features, and pricing.
Sandra also values transparency and reliability in the car buying process. The website should provide accurate information, authentic customer reviews, and real-time availability updates. Additionally, a smooth communication channel with the dealership or private sellers is crucial to address any queries or concerns promptly.
Final Thoughts:
With this user persona in mind, the car selling website can tailor its features and design to cater to the needs and preferences of someone like Sandra, making it a valuable resource for car enthusiasts and potential buyers alike.
Name: John Anderson

Occupation: IT Consultant

Age: 42

Location:Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Interests: Technology, fitness, family outings.

Background: John is a successful IT consultant who works remotely and occasionally travels to client sites. He lives in a bustling city with his wife and a young child. With another baby on the way, he needs to upgrade his current sedan to a more spacious and family-friendly vehicle that can comfortably accommodate his growing family and offer a smooth driving experience for daily commutes and weekend outings.
Time Constraints: Balancing his career and family life, John might have limited time for extensive research and car shopping, making it essential for the website to provide easily accessible and accurate information.
Decision Paralysis: With a wide range of car options available, John may feel overwhelmed with choices, leading to decision paralysis. A well-designed user interface and helpful recommendations can aid him in making a confident decision.
Trustworthiness Concerns: John might be skeptical about buying a used car online due to potential scams or misrepresentations. Ensuring trust and transparency in the listings and the website's reputation are crucial to alleviate his concerns.
Goals and Needs:
Space and Safety: John requires a car with ample interior space to comfortably fit two car seats and accommodate the whole family. Safety is a top priority for him, and he seeks a car with the latest safety features and high crash-test ratings.
Tech-Savvy Features: As an IT consultant, John is tech-savvy and appreciates modern car features like infotainment systems, smartphone integration, and advanced driver-assistance technologies to enhance his driving experience and ensure convenience on the road.
Budget Constraints: While John wants a reliable and feature-rich car, he also has a specific budget he needs to adhere to. He seeks a car selling website that offers a wide range of vehicles within his price range, including both new and well-maintained used cars.
Seamless User Experience: John leads a busy life, and he expects the website to have a user-friendly interface that allows him to easily search for cars, compare options, and access detailed information without any hassle.
Trust and Transparency: As a cautious buyer, John values transparency in car listings. He needs detailed information about each car's history, maintenance records, and any potential issues to make an informed decision.
Financing Options: John would appreciate a website that provides clear financing options and trade-in possibilities to help him understand the costs involved and find a suitable payment plan.
Final Thoughts :
Overall, John is a tech-savvy, family-oriented buyer seeking a safe, spacious, and tech-rich car to accommodate his growing family's needs. A user-friendly, trustworthy, and transparent car selling website that addresses his specific needs and budget constraints will be most appealing to him.

User Flow

Old Website



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